Energy Mareomotriz
The ocean waves have kinetic energy due to the movement of water and energy potential because of its height. Electrical energy can be obtained if used oscilatório the movement of waves. The recovery is done in two ways: the high tide the water fills the tank, passing through the turbine, producing electricity at low tide the water empties the tank, again passing through the turbine, now in the opposite direction to the filling, and producing electricity. The disadvantage of using this process to obtain energy is that supply is not continuous and presents low income. Those plants are equipped with sets of turbines bulb, totally immersed in water. Water is turbocharged for the two senses of the tide, and of great benefit to variable position of the blades for this purpose. However there are problems in the use of wave power plants, which require special care: the premises can not interfere with navigation and must be robust to resist the storms but be sensitive enough to be able to get energy from waves of varying extents . This energy comes from ocean waves. The tidal energy is obtained through a reservoir formed by the sea, through the construction of a dam, containing a turbine and a generator. Most of the central premises of wave energy from existing power are reduced, reaching the high seas or near the coast, and for the supply of electricity to isolated lighthouses or shipment of batteries for signs of buoys. The facilities of central power average, only has economic interest in special cases geometry of the coast. The number of places in the world where this occurs is reduced. The tides are the result of the combination of forces produced by the attraction of the sun and the moon and the rotating movement of the Earth leads to the rise and fall of water of the oceans and seas: the tides. The vertical movements of water of the oceans, associated with the rise and fall of tides is accompanied by a horizontal movement, called tidal currents. These currents have a schedule similar to the vertical oscillations. Effects of terrestrial areas (river basins and bays, straits and channels) cause restrictions to these periodic movements may arise or high-speed high amplitude of the current trip. In countries such as France, Japan and England this type of energy generates electricity. In Brazil, we have cities with large range of tides, as St. Louis - Bay of San Marcos, in Maranhao - with 6.8 meters and 5.6 meters in Tutóia with. But in these regions, unfortunately, the topography of the coast is not conducive to economic construction of reservoirs, which precludes its use.
curiosities : -- In Portugal there is a central island of Pico in the Azores. The plant is the type of the water column seesaw, with a horizontal axis turbine Wells Wednesday, triggering a variable-speed electric generator, with the power of 400 kW. -- In Europe was built a plant producing tidal energy in La Rance (France), 10 km of the river Rance openings in the English Channel. In this place the extent of the oil is 13 meters. The turbines work when the plant fills and empties when the estuary of the river Rance. You are in operation since 1966 and produces about 550 GWh annually. -- The Center for Science and Technology of the Navy in Japan studying ways to obtain energy of ocean waves. For both, began testing in July a floating generator that serves the strange name of whale Powerful. It is a ferry which was anchored at the entrance of a bay with its front pointing to the direction of the waves, measuring 50 meters long by 30 wide and 12 deep, and is internally divided into three compartments, each filled with air. It is an ingenious system that converts the energy of waves in air power. The balance of the waves causes the water level inside the chambers rise and fall without stopping, making them act as a giant piston. When the sea level rises, water compresses the air that is afunilado toward a turbine, moving their shovels and generating 110 kW of electricity.
Biomass: a Brazilian energy
Biomass: a Brazilian energy
Biomass is a term little known outside the fields of energy and ecology, but is already part of everyday Brazilian. Source clean-energy, biomass is nothing more than organic matter, animal or plant, which can be used in energy production. To get an idea of their participation in the Brazilian energy matrix, biomass accounts for one fourth of the energy consumed in the country That percentage tends to grow with the entry into operation of new plants. By 2006, should start operating 26 new ventures to generate energy from biomass by Eletrobras selected for the Program of Incentive for Alternative Sources of Energy (PROINFA). All biological organisms that could be used as sources of energy are called biomass. Among the raw materials used are the most sugar cane, beet and eucalyptus (from which it draws alcohol), the organic waste (which leads to biogas), firewood and charcoal, and some vegetable oils ( peanut, soybean, palm). In global terms, renewable resources represent about 20% of total energy supply, 14% from biomass and 6% of water source. In Brazil, the proportion of the total energy consumed is about 35% of origin water and 25% of origin of biomass, meaning that renewable resources serve as little as two thirds of the energy requirements of the country Biomass is a form of indirect use of solar energy absorbed by plants, as results from the conversion of sunlight into chemical energy. It is estimated that there are two trillion tons of biomass in the globe or around 400 tonnes per person, which, in energy terms, corresponds to 8 times the annual world consumption of primary energy (energy products provided by nature as it directly Such as oil, natural gas, coal, uranium ore, wood and other). In 2004, three new power generating biomass (sugar cane bagasse) entered into commercial operation in the country, adding 59.44 MW to the national matrix of electric energy. Projections of the International Energy Agency indicate that the relative weight of biomass in the world's electricity generation should increase from 10 terawatts / hours (TWh) in 1995 to 27 TWh in 2020. To get an idea of how much this represents, Brazil consumed 321.6 TWh in 2002. Operating in the market for over 60 years, the Santa Elisa Energy Company, located in Sertãozinho (SP), produces 30 MW / h of electricity, enough to supply a city of 500 thousand inhabitants. The cost of energy produced is $ 30 per megawatt-hour. "Destroy leaving cheaper than energy produced at a hydroelectric, if we consider that to build such a plant is necessary to spend much money. There is also the environmental and social problems, "says the managing director of the company, Sebastian Henrique Gomes. The director further highlights the advantages of biomass in terms of control of pollution: "The use of such renewable energy source is reducing the emission of polluting gases into the environment. When the advantage of sugar cane bagasse to produce electrical energy, we are also preserving the nature. " In the production of energy from biomass, there is no emission of carbon dioxide and ash are less aggressive to the environment, compared with those from fossil fuels such as oil. Researcher of the National Reference Center in biomass (CENBIO), the environmentalist Orlando Nunes points out that one of the main advantages of biomass is the ability of renewal. "It is very important for a country like Brazil where it will produce energy consumed and can produce it without the risk that end," he says. "The use of this energy generates jobs and income involve the workforce in local production. More than 1 million people work with Biomass in Brazil and the number tends to grow. "Data from the National Energy Balance (edition 2003) show that the participation of biomass in the Brazilian energy matrix is 27%, from the use of firewood, coal plant (11.9%), bagasse, sugar cane (12.6%) and others (2.5%). The potential for enterprises authorized to generate electricity, according to ANEEL, was 1.376,5 MW, when considering only generating plants using bagasse from sugar cane (1.198,2 MW), wood waste ( 41.2 MW), biogas or landfill gas (20 MW) and black liquor (117.1 MW). Energy from the bark of cupuaçu. A pioneer project in energy production from biomass is being developed in the Amazon city of Dallas. The National Reference Centre on Biomass, in partnership with the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) and the Institute for Technological Research (IPT), has been testing the bark of cupuaçu as fuel to produce electricity. For the project, 187 families were chosen from farmers of the settlement of Aquidaban. After the definition of how the distribution will be made of electricity generated, the system - which is already in operation - to be officially opened in early September. The Eletrobras, Eletronorte and Energy Company of Amazonas (CEAM) should act as partners in the project. For CENBIO, the energy of the shell of cupuaçu is an important means to integrate the families of the region and generate electricity in a clean and renewable for a needy population. "It is the first project outside India for gasification of biomass in an isolated system (not connected to the interconnected national network)," explains the coordinator of the project, Osvaldo Martins. The principle of transforming the shell of cupuaçu in fuel is relatively simple. The shell, with humidity maximum of 6%, is burned within a gaseificador with little oxygen. The incomplete combustion produces, in place of smoke, a gas that has calorific value equivalent to approximately 25% of that generated by natural gas. This gas is thrown at the entrance of air from the diesel engine, reducing by 80% in the consumption of fuel. Today is the replacement of diesel gas from the bark of cupuaçu. "If the engine consumed five liters of diesel per hour, will use only one liter," says Martins. The objective of the program, according to Martins, is to show the technical feasibility and cost of energy generation from the bark of cupuaçu in the region. "We have a real scenario of the potential of adapting this new system in North Country," says Martins. The total cost of the program is $ 980 thousand, financed by the funds during two years of energy sector of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST). Before mandar equipment - imported from India - to Dallas, the researchers have made changes: "Trocamos some accessories for similar national. This facilitated the maintenance, "says Martins. He points out that the generation of energy is not the only objective of the programme: "We want to, and implement energy, agribusiness to embed a network of processing cupuaçu to add more value to the product and generate income for the community."
Usina Termelétrica Definition:
Usina Termelétrica Definition:
Installation that produces electricity from the burning of coal, fuel oil or natural gas in a boiler designed for this specific purpose. Operation The operation of thermoelectric plants is similar, regardless of fuel. The fuel is stored in parks or adjacent deposits, which is sent to the plant, which will be burned in boiler. This generates steam from the water that flows by an extensive network of pipes that are its walls. The function of the steam is move the blades of a turbine, which rotates with the wheel shaft of a generator that produces electricity. That energy is carried by high-voltage lines of the centres of consumption. The steam is cooled in a condenser and converted again in water, which returns to the boiler tubes, initiating a new round. The water in circulation that cools the condenser expelled the heat extracted from the atmosphere by the cooling towers, large structures that identify these plants. Part of the heat extracted passes next to a river or the sea. To minimize the effects of contaminants on the combustion vicinity, the plant has a stack of great height (some reach 300 m) and some precipitators to retain the ashes and other volatile waste combustion. The ashes are retrieved for use in metallurgical processes and in the field of construction, where they are mixed with cement. As the heat is intense, given the high current generated, it is important cooling of the generators. The hydrogen is best vehicle for cooling the air, as it has only fourteen cents a density of this, requires less energy to operate. It was recently adopted the method of cooling liquid through oil or water. The liquid in that process are much higher than gas, and water is 50 times better than air. The mechanical power obtained by the passage of steam through the turbine - by making this turn - and the generator - which also turns the turbine coupled mechanically - that transforms the mechanical power into electric power. The energy thus generated is carried through wires or bars conductor, the terminal of the generator to lift the processor, where it has its high voltage suitable for driving through the transmission lines, until the centres of consumption. Hence, through abaixadores processors, energy has taken its voltage levels suitable for use by consumers. The previous description refers to the central classic, once it exists, even in the search phase, another generation of thermoelectric that improve the efficiency in coal combustion and reduce the impact on the environment: are the central combustion of bed fluidized. In these plants, coal burning up on a bed of inert particles (such as limestone), which is circulating a stream of air that improves combustion. A nuclear power plant can also be considered a central termelétrica, where the fuel is a radioactive material which in its fission, generating energy necessary for its operation. Advantages The main advantage is to be built where they are most needed, thus saving the cost of transmission lines. And these plants can be found in Europe and in some states of Brazil. Natural gas can be used as raw material to generate heat, electricity and driving force in the steel industries, chemical, petrochemical and fertilizer, with the advantage of being less polluting than the fuels derived from oil and coal. Disadvantages Meanwhile, the high price of fuel is a fact unfavourable. Depending on the fuel, environmental impacts, such as air pollution, water heating, the impact of building roads to bring the fuel to the plant, etc.. Thermoelectricity in the world The thermal plants are not as efficient in figures its global production is around 38%, that is, only approximately 38% of heat put on by the fuel plant becomes harnessable as electric energy. Usina Termelétrica - Combined Cycle Definition A plant termelétrica operating in combined cycle can be defined as a set of buildings and equipment whose purpose is the generation of electricity through a process that combines the operation of the gas turbine, driven by the burning of natural gas or diesel oil, directly coupled to a generator. The exhaust gas from the gas turbine, due to temperature, promote the transformation of water into steam to drive a steam turbine under the same conditions described in the operation of a conventional termelétrica. The average power of these plants is to be 300 MW, far less than a conventional termelétrica. How It Works The Gas Turbine: The expansion of the gases resulting from burning fuel (diesel oil or natural gas) triggers the gas turbine, which is directly attached to the generator and thus the mechanical power is converted into electric power. Steam Turbine to: The operation is exactly the same as described for termelétrica conventional power plant, but the transformation of water into steam is made with the reuse of the heat of the exhaust of the gas turbine, the recovery boiler from heat. Advantages: In addition to the already described in the section on the termelétrica conventional power plant, it must be stressed the thermal efficiency of combined cycle, which provides the production of electricity with reduced costs. Summary of Thermoelectricity in Brazil Type of plant Power (kW) % Plants in operation 11,174,321 14.68 Plants under construction 8,249,837 62.90 Plants awarded between 1998 and 2001 15,920,825
Hydro Energy / Electrical It is the energy from the movement of water.
Hydro Energy / Electrical It is the energy from the movement of water.
It is produced through the use of hydraulic potential existing in a river, using natural gaps, such as waterfalls, or artificial, produced by the diversion of the original river course. Origin Normally build up dikes that represam the course of water, accumulating into a reservoir which is called the barrier. This type of plant is called hydraulic power with Reservoir of accumulation. In other cases, there are dykes that do not stop the natural water course, but the obligation to pass through the turbine to produce electricity, called to the wire of Water Plants. When you open the floodgates, the water passes arrested by the turbine blades causing it to rotate. From the rotating movement of the turbine the process repeats itself, or connected to the generator turbine transforms the mechanical energy into electricity. The electricity generated is carried through wires or bars of conductive terminals of the generator to lift the processor, which has its voltage (voltage) increased to appropriate driving through the transmission lines, until the centres of consumption. Thus, through abaixadores processors, energy has taken its voltage levels suitable for consumption. Water and Environment The physical and geographical characteristics of Brazil were determined to deploy a fleet of electric power generator based predominantly water. Brazil is a country privileged in water resources, and highly dependent on hydropower, about 95% of Brazilian electricity comes from rivers. Brazil holds 15% of world reserves of fresh water available, but only uses one quarter of its potential. And to achieve the full potential water, it would be necessary to explore the potential of the Amazon. The energy source of water is now the second largest source of electricity in the world. Impact and Problems For a long time to hydropower was considered a clean source of energy. However, it carries a number of socio-environmental consequences in terms of the flooding of large areas. Building a dam can lead to remove entire cities, displace people, capture animals, ending forests and historic sites, which will be submerged. After the initial impacts, energy would be clean, but the decomposition of biomass flooded emits methane gas and pollute the water with the excess of organic matter in some plants. The early deforestation of the area to be flooded can avoid those types of impacts. Moreover, the construction of a dam is more expensive than some energy and very time consuming. Many times the natural course of the river is changed according to the areas to be flooded, causing interference in natural cycles, reproduction and dispersal of fish and other aquatic animals. Currently, the impact of construction of power plants has been increasingly monitored by non-governmental organizations, associations of people homeless and the society as a whole. As a result, many projects of plants are delayed by lack of environmental licensing. With the imminent power rationing in Brazil, the government will have to modify some rules for enterprises hydroelectric not to have larger losses to society. Inventory of Potential Hidrelétrico The nature has given each region of the planet with a number of different energy options. Moreover, created the challenge for descobrí them, assess the volume, develop techniques for its use and employ its full potential for economic use. Knowledge of resources and energy reserves is crucial to the development plan nacional.A each year, new sources and new technologies for exploitation of energy reserves are discovered. These make the total estimated resources and reserves be increased national energy. The primary sources were classified in the Brazilian territory, in conventional (thermal and hydroelectric) and non-conventional. In the horizon the next 20 years, the termeletricidade may have a stake of 10 to 15% on the sources of electric energy, whereas 35% of potential hidrelétrico Brazilian Amazon is in, far the largest consumer centres: South and Southeast. We could not speak on Brazilian water potential without regard to hydrography. The factors that promote or hinder the exploitations hydroelectric, which have a particular interest in the reviews, is the difference in level or height of fall and flow or discharge (average annual volume of water per unit of time: m3 / s). Brazilian Hydrography According to the longitudinal profile, you can find rivers Brazilians with predominant features of plains and plateau. As representatives copies of the rivers of the Amazon have plain, Paraguay and downloaded Maranhão, the Parnaíba. All these rivers are navigable in long stretches, even if this resource is not being fully exploited. Other major rivers are known by the slope of the land that drain and fall between the rivers of plateau. These rivers have a profile important in evaluating the potential hidrelétrico. Among them, in the Parana River and its main tributaries, Parnaíba, Grande, Tietê, environment and Iguacú, with the gap until the bottom of the headwaters of Itaipu dam, the Tocantins and its tributary Araguaia, which descends from headwaters to the mouth; the Uruguay River and its tributaries of course perennial, with gap until Paulo Afonso. The Amazon River is the largest river basin on the planet, with about 6,315,000 km2, most of the Brazilian territory (3,984,000 km2, the order of 63.1%). The Amazons and all its tributaries have an average annual flow estimated at 250 thousand m3 / s, for a potential hidrelétrico the order of 54,117,217 kW / year. In comparison, the Parana River, which flow in Itaipu, is 1.8 time in less potential of Amazonas. Most of the Brazilian hydroelectric capacity has been scheduled, adding to the hydroelectric power that is already being generated which are expected to get in empreendiemntos in construction and that could generate the exploitations studied in the project base. Precise calculations allow referencing estimated amount of other water resources has not prospeccionados more strictly. (*) Plants and reservoirs Brasileiros Not only technical reasons that define the size of the dams. The decision by a large, medium or small dam depends on the volume of the body d `water, features top-altimétricas and a range of considerations with the needs of market and economic opportunities, political aspects, evaluations of social order and weaknesses environmental settlements + the maximum exploitation of the potential for an ongoing `d water. Sometimes uses are reconciled establishing the maximum quota of lifting water: the dams intended for navigation and to support this, or whose purpose is to regularize the flow and flood control, or irrigation, aquaculture and many other cases. Most of the times, the costs are as restrictive factors. These costs are both the work, direct, indirect and associates such as, for the social aspects of deployment of multiple uses and promoting regional development, for example. The social differences between small and large dams, basically, will be on the scale and intensity of impacts on the ecosystem caused primitive. The higher the major works of hydraulic built, the greater the change of previous natural conditions. Such changes have its greatest expression during the formation of the reservoir, but are not restricted to that period only in the physical area flooded. (*)
Energy Geothermal
Energy Geothermal
is provided that our planet was created. Geo means earth and heat is on the amount of heat. Below the earth's crust itself constitutes a liquid rock, the magma. The earth crust floats that magma, which sometimes reaches the surface through a volcano or a slit. The volcanoes, hot springs and fumaroles are known manifestations of this energy source. The heat of the earth can be used to direct uses such as heating of buildings and greenhouses or for the production of electricity in geothermal plants. In Portugal, there are some exploitations direct, as the case Geothermal Center in San Miguel (Azores). Origin The water contained in underground reservoirs can heat or boil when in contact with the magma. There are places where the hot water rises to the surface, forming small lakes. Water is used to heat buildings, houses, swimming pools in the winter, and even to produce electricity. In some places on the planet, there is both steam and hot water that is possible to produce electricity. The temperature of hot water may be greater than 2000 C. They open up holes in the ground until funds reach the reservoirs of water and steam, they are drained to the surface through tubes and pipes appropriate. Through these tubes steam is conducted by the central electric geothermal. As a central electrical normal, the steam makes the rotating blades of the turbine as a fan. The mechanical energy of the turbine is converted into electricity through a generator. The difference is that these electric plants is not necessary to burn a fuel to produce electricity. After passing by the turbine, the steam is taken to a tank where it will be cold. The water that forms will be channelled back into the reservoir which is naturally heated by hot rocks. Geotermia and Environment Due to the nature, geothermal energy is one of the most benign sources of electricity. That energy is cheaper to get that fossil fuels or nuclear power plants. The emission of greenhouse gases (CO2 and SO2) is practically zero. It is a source of non-renewable energy, because the flow of heat from the center of the Earth is very small compared with the rate of extraction required, which can lead to exhaustion the geothermal field. The service life of the field is of decades, but the recovery may take centuries. Geothermal fields can be extensive and may provide fixed working for many years. Over the past thirty years, the science of geophysics moved quickly and knowledge of the structure of the planet has grown considerably. The theory of plate tectonics has an understanding of why some regions that are most volcanic and seismic activity than others. Although the deepest mines are only a few kilometers deep and the holes are generally drilled to depths of up to 10 km, along with technical sismológicas indirect evidence allowed a greater knowledge of how the structure of the earth. The gradients of temperature varies widely over the surface of the earth. This is the result of melting due to local pressure and friction and the movement of neighboring plates against each other. Thus, a flow of magma underneath can happen. The location of neighbouring plates also correspond to areas where volcanic activities are found. The heat is measured near the surface of the magma but other factors can also affect the flow of heat and thermal gradient. In some cases, convection source of water disturbs the natural pattern of flow of heat and in other cases it is thought that the release of hot gases of stone founded can increase the flow. Another important mechanism is generation of heat from radioactive isotopes of elements such as uranium, thorium and potassium. This mechanism is not completely understood, but certain areas of crust suffered successive melting and recrystallization with time and this led to the concentration of these elements at certain levels of the crust. In a lesser extent, exothermic chemical reactions can also contribute to the local heating. Areas classified as very high gradients hipertérmicas display (often as large as the areas not heat) and are usually near the neighbouring plates. Areas with semi-thermal gradients of 40-70 C / km may be anomalies in the crust thickness of otherwise stable regions or due to local effects such as radioactivity. In areas of modern folding, where there are volcanoes, as in Russia and Italy, pumps up water from the surface to the depths of the underground chambers where there are magmáticas (which comes out of the lava). In these chambers the temperature is very high and so the water turns into steam, which returns to the surface by pressure through pipes, triggering turbines in geothermal power plants located on the earth's surface. In regions where there are geiseres (water vapor pressure from the earth's crust deep, through cracks of it, exploding periodically in the land surface), as in Iceland, takes up this water vapor for domestic heating. Every 32 meters depth of the earth's crust the temperature rises about 1 °: is the degree geothermal. This increase in temperature can be used for the construction of geothermal plants, as has been implemented experimentally by scientists from the U.S. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Like all non-renewable natural resources, geothermal energy also should be used rationally. Impact and Problems Geothermal energy is limited and is not found everywhere, hampering the implatação projects in certain localities. Because of high rates of waste that occurs when the geothermal fluid is transmitted over long distances through pipelines, energy must be put into use in or around this geothermal field. Thus the environmental impact is felt only in the vicinity of the source of energy. Usually the geothermal flows contains dissolved gases, and these gases are released into the air, along with water vapor. Most are sulfurous gas (H2S), with unpleasant odor, and with corrosive properties harmful to human health. There is a possibility of contamination of water near a geothermal power plant, because the nature of mineral and geothermal fluids to the demand for provision of fluids spending. The free discharge of liquid waste to the surface can result in contamination of rivers, lakes. When a large amount of fluid is removed from the land, there's always the chance of a shock occur, and such places should be injected water does not occur to the land subsidence of the earth. Tests of the drilling operations are noisy sources, usually the geothermal areas are distant from urban areas. Waste heat from geothermal plants is greater than other plants, which leads to an increase in temperature of the environment near the plant. Future Prospects Geothermal energy is an alternative source of energy that is found in special places of the earth's surface, which needs much more research to be used, because the income that can be is still very low. The high cost of construction of power plants, drilling, and possible impacts still prevents many projects. Trivia: The first power plant based on geothermal energy was to Laderello in Italy, built in 1913, triggering a generator of 250Kw and was subsequently extended through the electric generating 400Mw. This plant geothermal energy is captured from a depth of 1000 feet (987.5 meters), and the steam generated is at a temperature of 240oC.
Energia nuclear
nuclear energy
Energia nuclear
nuclear energy
The Theory Atomística was originally built in the fifth century before Christ by the Greek philosophers Leucipo and Demócrito. In his theory Atomística, Demócrito states that the universe has a constitution that is the basic single atom, particle indivísivel, invisible. impenetrable and lively movement itself. The vibrations of atoms causes all our feelings. If Lito Lucretius, famous Roman poet (95-52 BC), reproduced in his poems Demócrito of the ideas in his book "RERUM OF NATURA", widespread at the time of the Renaissance. Only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, researchers in chemistry returned to the atomic hypothesis. This hypothesis was proposed by John Dalton in 1803 and atomic theory presented in the book "A NEW SYSTEM OF CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY." The fundamental postulates of Dalton are the :
i) - The chemical elements consist of discrete particles of matter, atoms, which can not be divided by any known chemical process and that preserve their individuality in chemical reactions;
ii) - All atoms of the element are identical in all respects, particularly in their weights, different elements have different atoms in weight. Each element is characterized by the weight of its atoms; Elements used more as an energy source Thorium - The new generations of nuclear power using thorium as a source of additional fuel for power generation or nuclear waste decomposes into a new cycle called fission assisted. The proponents of the use of nuclear power as an energy source believe that these processes are currently the only viable alternative to meet growing global demand for energy at the future scarcity of fossil fuels. - Uranium The main purpose of the uranium business is the generation of electricity. When processed into metal, the uranium becomes heavier than lead, a little less hard than steel and if burn very easily.
- Actínio
The Actínio is a metal silver, highly radioactive, with 150 times more radioactivity than uranium. Used in termoelétricos generators. Use of Nuclear Energy They serve in the use of nuclear bombs, can substitute energy sources and also replace some fuel. How does a nuclear power plant The operation of a nuclear power plant is quite similar to that of a thermal power plant. The difference is that instead of us terms of heat generated by burning a fossil fuel such as coal, oil or gas, nuclear power plants in the heat is generated by changes which are in atoms of uranium fuel in capsules. The heat generated in the reactor core heats the water of the primary circuit. This circulates the water pipes of equipment called a steam generator of. The water from another circuit in contact with the tubes in the steam generator if vaporiza at high pressure, making generate a set of turbines which is next to its electric generator. The motion of the electric generator produces energy, delivered to the system for distribution. Countries and places that use nuclear energy European countries are those that use more nuclear energy. Taking into account the total production of electric energy in the world, the contribution of nuclear energy, jumped 0.1% to 17% in 30 years, making it closer to the percentage generated by hydroelectric power plants. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in late 1998 there were 434 nuclear power plants in 32 countries and 36 units being built in 15 countries. The decision to build power plants depends in large part of production costs of nuclear energy. The nuclear fission is the main civilian application of nuclear energy. It is used in hundreds of nuclear plants around the world, particularly in countries such as France, Japan, United States, Germany, Sweden, Spain, China, Russia, North Korea, Pakistan India, among others. Nuclear Energy in Brazil Nuclear energy in the country Brazil has a comprehensive programme of use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Around 3 thousand plants are in operation, using materials or radioactive sources for many applications in industry, health and research. Last year, the number of patients using radiopharmaceuticals was more than 2.3 million in over 300 hospitals and clinics throughout the country, with an annual growth of around 10% in the last 10 years. In the area of power generation, Brazil is one of the few countries in the world to dominate the whole process of making fuel for nuclear power plants. The process of isotope enrichment of uranium by ultracentrifugation, strategic piece in the so-called nuclear fuel cycle, the field is totally Brazilian. Today, the fuel used in reactors of research Brazilians can be fully produced in the country. Meanwhile, commercially still do the conversion and enrichment abroad. The Brazilian reserves of uranium already confirmed are of 300 tons and are among the six largest in the world. In energy terms, even with only a third of the country prospectado, these reserves are the same order of magnitude of those currently existing in oil and would be sufficient to maintain in operation equivalent to the existing 10 reactors - Angra 1 and Angra 2 - by about 100 years. Uses in industry The industry is one of the largest users of nuclear techniques in Brazil, accounting for about 30% of licenses for use of radioactive sources. They are employed mainly for improving the quality of procedures in the most diverse industrial sectors. The main applications are in the measurement of thickness and flow rates of liquids, and in controlling the quality of joints of metal parts. In exploiting oil, sources of neutrons are used in procedures to determine the profile of soil, while others can help to distinguish, in the process, the amount of water, gas and oil existing in the material extracted, and barateando facilitating the process of exploitation. In food for human consumption, the gamma radiation kills pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella typhimurium. The irradiation of fruit, in addition to removing unwanted infestations, brings the life of the product and increases the time for consumption, unlike the disinfection with heat, which accelerates the process of maturing. Etc. ..
Solar Energy
Solar Energy
Solar energy is the name given to any abstraction of light energy (and in some sense, the heat) from the Sun and subsequent transformation of this energy captured in some form usable by man, either directly for heating, hot water or as mechanical or electrical energy. In its motion for translation around the Sun, Earth receives 1 410 W/m2 of energy, measuring at a normal surface (in angle straight) with Sol That, approximately 19% is absorbed by the atmosphere and is reflected by 35% clouds. When passing through the atmosphere land, most of solar energy is in the form of visible light and ultraviolet light. The plants use this energy directly in the process of photosynthesis. We use this energy when burn wood or mineral fuels. There are experimental techniques to create fuel from the absorption of sunlight in a chemical reaction in a similar way to plant photosynthesis - but without the presence of these organisms. Types of solar energy The methods of capture of solar energy classified in the direct or indirect: Direct means that there is only a transformation of solar energy to make a type of energy used by man. Examples: The solar energy reaches a photovoltaic cell creating electricity. (The conversion from photovoltaic cells is classified as direct, although the electrical energy generated need new conversion - in light or mechanical energy, for example - to be useful.) The solar energy reaches a dark surface and is transformed into heat, which aquecerá a quantity of water, for example - that principle is widely used in solar heaters. Indirect means that need to be more of a transformation that appears to usable energy. Example: control systems that automatically curtains, according to the availability of light of the sun They also rank in assets and liabilities: Systems are generally passive direct, although involved (sometimes) flow in convection, which is technically a conversion of heat into mechanical energy. Systems systems assets are calling for the aid of electrical devices, mechanical or chemical to increase the effectiveness of collection. Indirect systems are almost always also active. Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy Advantages Solar energy does not pollute during their use. The pollution caused by the manufacturing equipment needed for the construction of solar panels is fully controllable ways of using existing controls today. Those plants require minimal maintenance. Solar panels are more powerful every day while their cost is decaindo. That makes it ever more solar energy a viable solution. Solar energy is excellent in places remote or difficult to access, since its installation on a small scale does not require a huge investment in transmission lines. In tropical countries, like Brazil, the use of solar energy is viable in almost all the territory and, in places far from centers of energy production, its use helps to reduce demand in energy and thus the loss of energy that occur in transmission. Disadvantages The prices are very high relative to other means of energy. There is variation in the quantities produced according to weather (rain, snow), and that at night there is some production, which requires that the means exist for the storage of energy produced during the day in places where the solar panels do not are connected to the transmission of energy. Places in middle and high latitudes (Ex: Finland, Iceland, New Zealand and southern Argentina and Chile) have a brisk drop in production during the winter months due to lower daily availability of solar energy. Places with frequent coverage of clouds (Curitiba, London), tend to have variations of daily production in accordance with the degree of cloudiness. The ways of storing solar energy are inefficient when compared for example to fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas), hydroelectric (water) and biomass (bagasse of sugar cane bagasse or the orange). Ways to Use SOLAR HEAT HEAT The heat applications are those where the sunlight is converted directly into heat by absorption of dark areas. The most practical example in the urban context is the solar water heater. Here the water is heated in solar collectors and stored in reservoirs thermal (Boiler). Its use replace taps and showers electrical and can represent savings of up to 35% in electrical consumption of a residence. Its application is, at any time, quite advantageous in houses, hotels, industries and residential buildings. Its manufacturing process is simple and uses materials available as much glass, copper, aluminum, steel etc.. Brazilian industry sector, already produces known, systems of excellent quality and has grown to throw long. Heating water solar heat, comfort guaranteed without the use of electricity For homes, the system can pay within two or three years, its lifetime is more than twenty years. Your cost of maintenance is very low, as it requires a minimum of interventions. Important say that the system works even on cloudy days and the tanks can keep hot water for more than three days. For days followed by rain, has additional electric heating to ensure the comfort. The solar heating is a definitive solution in comfort and economy.
The photovoltaic applications are based on the electrochemical property that some materials have to transform light into electricity - energy noble and essential for functioning of electronic equipment. The photovoltaic panels are a cost well above that of solar thermal collectors of equivalent power, and require greater area. Standalone systems require storage - usually batteries - which charged the very system, mainly due to the cost of maintenance. The photovoltaic solar energy is feasible in several applications, but as autonomous system for household use, it can not compete with the price of electricity by concessionaires of public network of distribution, due mainly to the high initial investment required and the cost of maintenance storage system. But here is important to note, that in this case, the user is no longer mere consumer, become a autoproducer electrical power. What is a situation quite differently. Freelance photovoltaic systems for lack of emergency power. Advantages on the portable generator In the current situation, the photovoltaic energy can be a good solution to escape the blackouts through systems of power supply emergency, which competes with portable generators. Its main comparative advantages are: Do not use fuel. Require little maintenance operation Provide clean, free of vibration, noise etc.. Run in continuous operation, not requiring procedures for activation. Lifetime of the panels high - about 25 years. Here enter a warning: portable generators with internal combustion engines can not be used in closed environments like the interior of houses and apartments, in circumstances which is lethal because the emissions of CO. NETWORK SYSTEMS FOTOVOLTAICOS INTERLIGADOS PUBLIC An application of photovoltaic energy for urban areas, which has been outlined in several countries, the photovoltaic system is interconnected to the public. This configuration waiver does not require local storage and meet all the demands of consumers because in a situation of disability, the offer is complemented by the network. In addition, the energy generated is almost complete, because when there is excess production in relation to consumption, this is passed the concessionaire, generating credit to the owner. The projection of falling price of photovoltaic panels shows that these systems must become a very attractive investment in a short time. Interconnected photovoltaic systems, option expected in the near future In Brazil, the UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina designed and built the first photovoltaic system linked to the country's public network. Serving also for collecting and evaluating data, the system produces 2 KW peak and has been working satisfactorily, since September 1997. Annual production is equivalent to the consumption of a family of four people in a typical Brazilian residence. Solar energy in the world In 2004 the installed capacity of solar energy worldwide was 2.6 GW, around 18% of the installed capacity of Itaipu. The main producing countries, interestingly, are located in middle and high latitudes. The largest world producer was Japan (with 1.13 GW installed), followed by Germany (with 794 MWp) and the United States (365 MW) [1]. It began operation on March 27, 2007 the Center for Photovoltaic Solar Serpa (CSFS), the largest unit of its kind in the world. It is located in the parish of Brinches, Alentejo, Portugal, one of the biggest areas of sun exposure in Europe. It has installed capacity of 11 MW, enough to supply about eight thousand dwellings. Meanwhile designed and is already in the process of building another center with about six times the production capacity of this, also in the Alentejo in Amareleja, county de Moura. Much more ambitious is the project of an Australian center of 154 MW, capable of meeting the consumption of 45 000 homes. This will be in Victoria and is expected to come into operation in 2013 with the first stage ready in 2010. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions achieved by this source of clean energy will be 400 000 tonnes per year.
Wind energy is the kinetic energy of the displacement of masses of air, generated by differences in temperature on the surface of the planet. Result of the association of solar radiation incident on the planet with the rotating movement of the earth, natural phenomena that are repeated. So is considered renewable energy. Everything indicates that the first uses of wind power have with the boats, some publications mention traces of their existence has around 4,000 BC, recently witnessed by a boat found in a tomb sumeriano of the season, in which there were also auxiliary oars. Around 1,000 BC the Phoenicians, pioneers in commercial navigation, is used for boats powered exclusively by force of the winds. Over the years various types of vessels sailing to have been developed, with great emphasis on the Caravelas - arose in Europe in the thirteenth century and that paper had posted on Great Discoveries Sea. The boats to sail the seas dominated for centuries until the emergence of the steam ship in 1807 has split this field, but because of lower demand in return for lower costs offered in regular time of paths, the boat managed to keep the páreo for a long time, only been losing the competition at the beginning of the twentieth century, when it was virtually abandoned in favour of steam. Currently the largest uses of the boats are sailing in the sport and leisure. The CREATE THE WINDMILLS OF VENTO It seems difficult to say with certainty at the time it appeared the first windmills, there are indications of such engines already in the primary century X. This is well dessertado in the book "A History of Mechanical Inventions" of Abbot Payson Usher, edited for the first time in 1929 and played in Brazil by Papirus Science publisher, the book cites report of geographers describing grinding winds used in the Middle East for pumping water. It also points to several references and chronic histories - but in this case, given its uncertain veracity - that mention the use of windmills are already in 340 AD In Holland, where the windmills in were used since the fifteenth century drenarem the land for the training of pôlderes, the invention of grinding revolving dome, which allowed the axis positioning of the blades depending on the direction of the winds, is registered as a great increase the capacity of these, and great progress in systems dessecamento.
The aerogenerators are designed for a specific range of variation of wind speed, usually between 4 to 30 m / s. Above this range, the generator components such as shovels, become overloaded with work. Below the track is not viable generate energy. Thus we need a system that blocks the aerogerador at the ends of the band. So we can only summarize physically speaking withdraw no more than 45% of power in the wind, but in addition we must consider some losses because no Aerogerador cut 100% of power of 45% which is permitted by physical, then we have killed other losses as : Aerodinâmicas Electrical Resistivas Quality of wind As for the quality of the wind, our National Wind map has some limitations that introduces another loss, because it is the accuracy of 1km by 1km ² ² and minimum height is 50mt, and installed the aerogenerators with 12 meters in height also reduce the need average of wind shown on map Wind (facilities of small turbines is economically unfeasible to 50mt). So a practical way of Wind Turbine model Gerar246 of 1000W in a continuous supply of no more than 25% of its nominal power, or 250W. With this data can then multiply by 720 hours of 250W month to get to 180 kWh per month which is the estimated monthly production of this Aerogerador of 1000W in places with mean annual wind over 6m / s. The same calculation applies to the models and Notus Verne.A Power generation is done by capturing the energy of the wind, this energy is stored in batteries it is generated directly to the clock of the concessionaire of energy. The latest generation of turbines have a production capacity of 1.6-2 MW of energy and is in testing of 5 MW turbines. The minimum wind speed needed to put into operation around 10-15Km/hea cruising speed is 50-60 km / h. In case of the storm and the rotor blades are automatically stopped when the wind speed exceeds 90 km / h. Once locked, the aerogerador can support speeds of 200Km / h without suffering damage. They also protect against lightning and microprocessors that allow the continued adjustment of the angle of the blades of the conditions prevailing wind and maintenance of an output of electric current uniform, this condition very important when they are connected to the electrical distribution network. There are also hybrid systems of medium size, where they combine with the wind aerogenerators photovoltaic systems, diesel or water, or may not have the energy storage system. They are only used for small networks or for special applications such as pumping of water, load of batteries, desalination, etc.. Its capacity is around 10-200 kW. The wind systems isolated, with ranges of power between 25W and 150W, are the most successful commercially and is used to load of batteries (used in the United Kingdom by the Navy and caravans and in China by semi-nomadic peoples of the region of Mongolia), pumping of water, heating, etc.. Finally, mechanical systems for pumping water is still, numerically, the most representative, with about 2 million units scattered throughout the world, with the main markets of the U.S., Argentina, Africa and New Zealand. They are being developed systems for best performance for their replacement.
The island of Fernando de Noronha is one of the places where not only economic aspects (high cost of generation by diesel) but also the nature of ecological contribute positively to the generation of energy from the wind. The turbine in operation since July 1992, has nominal power of 75Kw, the rotor diameter of 17m (3 blades) and a tower, 23 meters high. The design of the system hybrid wind / diesel on the island of Fernando de Noronha was developed by the Wind Energy Group of UFPE and FOLKECENTER (Denmark) to provide an economy of diesel in order of 70,000 liters annually.
Example of some aerogenerators constructed :1890-1910 - Denmark - 23m in diameter - 3 blades - 200kw1931 - Russia - 30m in diameter - 3 blades - 100kw1941 - United States - 54m in diameter -2 shovels - 1.250kw1959 - Germany - 34m in diameter -- 2 shovels - 100kw1978 - United States (NASA) - 50 meters in diameter - 2 shovels - 200kw1979 - Boeng USA-100m1980 - Growian (Germany) - 100m in diameter - 3mv THE FORCE OF VENTO Moenda of maize: Like most European mills has vertical blades, they operate as part of the horizontal movement of the wind is transformed into movement of rotation of the blades. This movement is transferred by gears and pulleys to a stone-milling, which tritura grains. To get the maximum energy from the wind, the coverage of the windmill turns automatically to be facing the wind every time he changes direção.Barcos sailing: Most modern sailing boats, have tri6angulares candles that can be operated to capture the maximum energy from the wind. The boats Egyptians, from about 1300 to. C., wore square sails could only draw with the energy efficiency of the wind when it came behind. Around 200 to. C., vessels of the Mediterranean wore candles that could be operated by drawing energy from the wind even when he ran behind them. The force of the wind is of great importance in places subject to flooding, as the Netherlands, which has been used to drain the land.
We conclude this work, which the wind is a huge source of natural energy from which it is possible to produce large quantities of electricity. Besides being a source of inexhaustible energy, wind power is far from causing environmental problems. The interest in wind energy has increased in recent years, especially after oil prices shot. The cost of wind generation has a high price, but the wind is an inexhaustible source as the oil does not. In an underdeveloped country like Brazil, where those who govern are the entrepreneurs, there is no interest in spending money on a new source of energy, they prefer to continue using the oil. Given the large wind energy potential of various regions of Brazil, it would be possible to produce electricity from wind generation at a cost of less than $ 50/mkw. There are currently more than 20,000 wind turbines in operation in the world, producing more than 2 billion kwh annually.